On July 28, 2009, Snehsadan, affectionately referred to as the “Home of Love,” embarked on its mission by opening its doors in a rented house located in Pansemal. At that moment, it welcomed its initial cohort of 16 children, each facing multiple disabilities, providing them with a nurturing and compassionate environment filled with hope. Over the years, Snehsadan has undergone a profound transformation, emerging as a symbol of hope and becoming a refuge for children who were once neglected. This remarkable evolution has been made possible through the unwavering dedication and love of the Sisters who oversee its operations. Today, Snehsadan stands as a sanctuary for 120 children with disabilities, steadfastly continuing its compassionate journey. Its primary goal remains unchanged: to transform lives, spread love, and illuminate the darkest corners of these children’s existence with a beacon of hope.